Exhibitor Registration - ARTECH 2025

Exhibit Details

Product or services of the company which will be highlighted at ARTECH 2025

Quick View : "ARTECH_2025 FLOOR PLAN "

Scheme* :

Member of AIEMA* :

Names of Overseas Principals Represented


◦ In these Rules and Regulations, the term exhibitor shall include all employees, staff and agents of any company, partnership firm or individual to whom space has been allotted for the purpose of participation.
◦ The term Exhibition shall mean the trade show known as "ARTECH 2025 " ◦ The term organisers shall mean: The ARTECH 2025 Committee, Sidco – Aiema Tower, First Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai 600058.
◦ The Exhibition premises will include all exhibition halls and other areas in Chennai Trade Centre. It will also include the general area and parking lot.
◦ ARTECH 2025 is dedicated to the broad group of products and services mentioned in the event website www.artech.in. Participants should ensure only NEW products and services covered by these product groups are presented in ARTECH 2025. ARTECH 2025 does not cover Used/Reconditioned Machine Tools and these will not be allowed for presentation in the event. Decision of the organisers in this regard is final.

Booth Blocking Advice and Booth Allotment Advice :

◦ On receipt of the on line Space Booking Application form submitted by the applicants, the ARTECH 2025 Organising Committee will consider the application and depending on the suitability, the ARTECH 2025 Organising Committee will block space and send advice allotment of Booth. Allotment is subject to the applicant paying Advance participation charges within 8 days of the Space Allotment cum Proforma Invoice.
. ◦ The applicant on receipt of Space allotment Advice cum Proforma Invoice should remit the Advance booking charges within the stipulated time, normally 8 days, failing which the booth so blocked will be released and allotted to those who require them. ◦ Participants will also be required to pay all taxes etc. as levied by the government from time to time. The schedule of payments given in the Booth Allotment advice should be followed failing which the organisers reserve the right to cancel allotment of space/reservation of space. Part payments already received will be forfeited in such cases.
◦ On receipt of the first instalment of Advance from the applicant, ARTECH 2025 Office will give user id and password for accessing the Exhibitors page of the concerned Exhibitor for updating of any information, directory listing, service requirements etc. Last date for updating information on different services will be mentioned in the Exhibitor Info page of www.artech.in


◦ No cancellation or reduction in space booked will be allowed once the application submitted by the participant is accepted by the organisers. In the event of the applicant seeking to cancel the booking or reducing space requirements, the advance paid by the applicant will be forfeited, and the booth blocked will be released/allotted to those seeking it. . The decisions of the organisers are final in such matters.


◦ No alteration to the size of an Exhibitors' stand is permitted without the prior written approval of the organisers
◦ The Organisers reserve the right to require exhibitors to make alterations to their stands as to avoid interference with the display of other exhibitors and on public safety requirements.
◦ The Organisers reserve the right to modify the floorplan, location of booths, passages, etc. Decision of organizers on the allotment of booths and floorplan is final.
◦ The position of booths with respect to aisles in the floor plan is purely pictorial and not guaranteed. In case of any variation, the booth number allotted will be taken as the basis for occupancy by the exhibitor.
◦ Exhibitors are particularly requested to avoid designs, which block or box in booths of other exhibitors. ◦ Stands should not overhang the allotted area, nor are any obstructions permitted on gangways, fire points, extinguishers or emergency exits. Booth construction should be within a height of 2.5m.
◦ Though the exhibitors are free to decorate their booths, within the area allotted subject to the guidelines on interior decoration given in the Exhibitor Guidelines, for projecting the right image of their products and company, they should not cause any damage to the walls, panels and floors through use of nails, paints, or any other such activity.
◦ All Bare Space participants and shell scheme participants who are proposing to construct their own booths, have to submit their construction and decoration plan to the Organisers before 15 April 2025 and take prior approval of the organizers of ARTECH 2025.
Construction of booths can be taken up only on specific approval of construction plan by ARTECH 2025. In the context of the growing concern on air pollution and the need to ensure a safe environment for all inside the Halls, exhibitors are advised to arrange for prefabricated booths with least work inside the Halls. Welding, cutting, any process that generates dust, sparks will not be allowed during the stand construction process. Exhibitors are required to inform their stand contractors accordingly.
◦ Equipment, machineries and other exhibits which produce excessive noise, vibration, heat or may cause electrical interference or other annoyance will not be permitted to operate, albeit they may be permitted to display such exhibits. In this matter the decision of the organisers is final.
◦ All onsite electrical installations must be carried out by the officially appointed electrical contractor before the connection to the main supply. ◦ No Hoardings, Banners etc., will be allowed on the Exhibition premises or on the roads in the vicinity unless their designs, specifications, installations and location have been pre-approved by the organisers. Such unauthorised display if any, is liable to be removed by the organisers without notice.
◦ Exhibitors are required to indemnify the organisers against any claim made against them in respect of damage to Exhibition halls and the venue caused by the exhibitors' stand, exhibits and their staff or by agents acting on exhibitors' behalf.


◦ Insurance cover for the exhibits and the property of the stands and staff of exhibitors and their agents, will be the responsibility of individual exhibitors.
◦ The organisers shall not be responsible in any way for personal injury to the exhibitors or their staff, agents, invitees or licensees however caused.


◦ Although 24 hours security service will be in operation for the overall exhibition, the security of the individual exhibits in the booth will be the responsibility of the exhibitors. Exhibitors should take all possible precautions to avoid loss or damage to the exhibits both during and outside exhibition hours.


◦ Every exhibitor shall occupy the full area booked by him. ◦ Should an exhibitor fail to take possession of the booth at least 12 hours before the start of the exhibition, the organisers have the right to believe that the participant is not participating in the event and the organisers have the right to make use of the booth as deemed fit without any notice. No refund of amount paid towards participation charges will be given.
◦ Authorized persons of the exhibitors as specified by the exhibitor in the application form will be allowed to man the booth.


◦ The exhibitors shall not assign, sublet or grant licenses in respect of the whole or part of the stand. Display / distribution of cards, handbills, literatures, advertisements, banners or printed matters of companies / firms / persons who are not bona fide participants is prohibited.


◦ Exhibits and all stand construction materials must be removed from the stands before 9.00 A.M. on 24th June 2025( ie) the next day of the exhibition. Exhibitors failing to vacate their stand space or the premises by the time specified by the organisers, shall be liable to reimburse any costs/loss incurred by the organisers as a result thereof.
◦ No material/exhibit will be allowed to be taken out of the hall during event days. Exit passes will be issued by the organisers on the last day of the event which could be used for taking out exhibits.
◦ No counter Sales. ◦ Verbal agreements concerning any aspect of the contract or the exhibition are not valid unless confirmed in writing.


◦ Possession of the booth space / constructed booths will be given as per the time schedule given in the Exhibitor Guidelines and only on clearance of all dues. No payment will be accepted at the event venue.
◦ No inflammable, hazardous article shall be stored in the exhibition area.
◦ All exhibits are subject to a general lien in favour of the organisers for all sums whether for unpaid rental or otherwise, due from an exhibitor to the organisers.
◦ The organisers and those authorised by them have the right to enter the exhibitors booths at any time to execute repairs and alterations and for other purposes.

Stand Contractors:

◦ Stand Contractors of the Exhibitors should follow all the Guidelines / Terms and Conditions of Participation. The Exhibitor will be fully responsible for all the acts of Stand Contractors in the exhibition premises. Failure to follow the guidelines will attract penalty and claims of compensation.


◦ Government tax(es) extra as applicable and must be paid by the participants as and when demand notices are issued.


◦ The organisers endeavour to ensure supply of the services at the exhibition premises and of those suppliers mentioned in the manual. As the supply of such services is not within the control of the organisers, the organisers shall not be liable to the exhibitors for any loss or damage, if any such services shall wholly or partially cease to be available. Nor shall the exhibitor be entitled to any repayments in respect of rental and other charges.


◦ In case of the Exhibition being cancelled or suspended in whole or in part due to causes not in the organisers' control the organisers shall not accept any consequential liability.


◦ The Exhibition may be postponed, shortened, extended or cancelled due to any cause, whatsoever outside the control of the show organisers.The show organisers shall not be responsible foranyloss sustained by the exhibitors, directly or indirectly, on account of elements of nature, force majeure or orders and directives imposed by any government authorities, venue provider, etc. In the event of such circumstances, the organisers may refund some part of the participation charges paid by the participants at their sole discretion. The decision of the Organisers in this regard is final.


◦ Any dispute between the organisers and the exhibitors is subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Chennai City only.